Thursday, August 31, 2017

Fishing Dates September 2017

The Planetary outlook

Best Fishing Days
September 2017

Morning Fishing Days: 2, 3, 14, 15, 16, 20

Evening Fishing Days: 4, 5, 17, 18, 19

Monday, August 28, 2017

North Korea Horoscope

The Planetary outlook

North Korea

Take a look at the Mundane Chart of North Korea, with President Trump, and the Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017. I believe this is just one of the many issues that the Solar Eclipse forecast.

President Trumps natal Mars (the planet of war) and his (Ascendant) are in the 7th house (open enemies) in the chart of North Korea. They are conjunct the North Korean Saturn which rules North Korea's house of secrets. Transiting Pluto Retrograde  (nuclear power) is in the 12th house (secrets) and is making a trine aspect to South Korea's natal Sun (I AM). Which means they are putting it in the face of President Trump and the world that they are indeed becoming a Nuclear Power. 

Today On August 28, 2017 North Korea launched another missile. Transiting Mars is conjunct the North Node (the populace) and within one degree of conjunction with President Trumps natal Mars.  The transiting Sun is in an exact square from the 7th to the 10th house Natal Moon of North Korea which rules it's 6th house of the military. This is very concerning as transiting Mercury is retrograde and approaching an exact conjunction to transiting Mars at the exact degree of the Solar Eclipse on September 3rd and will be activated by the Moon on September 4th by opposition. This aspect will fall on the Moon in the United States Mundane chart. 

I expect that tensions with North Korea will be very high over the next two weeks. This will be felt especially on the 3rd and 4th of September and again as we get to the Last Quarter moon on September 13, 2017. The Last Quarter Moon has the Sun square North Korea's Jupiter and transiting Saturn is conjunct it and the Moon opposes it. Jupiter rules North Korea's reputation and standing in the world and they will be under strong scrutiny during this lunar phase.

September 3, 2017 North Korea has tested a hydrogen bomb as predicted.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Saturn Direct

The Planetary outlook

Saturn Direct

On August 25, 2017 at 4:26 AM MDT Saturn goes direct at 21 degrees of Sagittarius. Saturn entered Sagittarius December 23, 2014 and is now in his final months in this sign before entering his own sign of Capricorn on December 20, 2017.

Saturn is the planet of limitations, restrictions, and karma. He is not comfortable in the sign of Sagittarius which is ruled by Jupiter the planet of expansion. We have seen this manifest as intolerance and the desire to limit and control the ideological belief systems of others. These issues will continue and be amplified over the next month as Jupiter the ruler of Sagittarius is headed towards the 3rd and final opposition of this cycle with Uranus on September 28, 2017.

The natal house that Saturn is transiting in your personal chart is where you will feel this on a personal level. As he starts moving direct the limitations, obstacles, and frustrations in this area will begin to lift and move forward again. Look to natal planets that are being positively aspected by transiting Saturn to navigate your destiny. 

Make the most out of this time as it is a game changer when Saturn returns home to Capricorn!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Happy Birthday Virgo's

The Planetary outlook

Happy Birthday

The Sun enters the sign of Virgo on August 22, 2017 4:21 MDT

How fitting that the day after the Solar Eclipse in Leo which was full of excitement and drama, that the Sun enters the sign of Virgo as we all head back to deal with the brass tacks of life.

The sign of Virgo is about day to day life, taking care of the details, and 
work. With the Moon and Mercury Retrograde also in the sign of Virgo our attention will be drawn to home and family as well as revisiting, re-evaluating, and redoing things we may have glossed over during the last month or so. The natal house that Mercury is transiting in will give you an idea of what part of your life is up for review. revise, and re-do.

Each house in the natal chart represents a part of life, I call it the stage of life. The houses are the stage, the planets are the characters, and the sign they are in is their personality and/or expression. How they are aspected to each other in the heavens and to your natal planets tells us how well they are getting along. As the transiting planets make their way through your natal chart we can see how, when, and where the energy is being expressed. Below is a very basic description of what each house rules in the natal chart.

1st House

House of self, appearance, mannerisms, health, and vitality.

2nd House

House of values, possessions, resources, and the ability to make money.

3rd House

House of communication, neighbors, relatives, short travels, and siblings.

4th House

House of family, home, heredity, and our ancestors.

5th House

House of creativity, children, romance, gambling, and popularity.

6th House

This is the house of work, health, self-improvement, servants, and being of service.

7th House

This is the house of partnerships, open enemies, legal affairs, and karma.

8th House

House of other people’s values, assets, insurance, taxes, and inheritance.

9th House

House of higher thought, religion, culture, law, foreign places and people.

10th House

House of our public standing, reputation, authority figures, and career.

11th House

House of ideals, friends, money from business endeavors, and organizations.

12th House

House of secrets, secret enemies, self-undoing, artistic creativity, and solitude.

Friday, August 18, 2017

The Planetary outlook

The Planetary outlook

August 18, 2017

Expect things to get a little hectic in the world today and tomorrow as the Moon has entered Cancer and is activating the Cardinal Square in the heavens just prior to the Solar Eclipse.

With the Moon in Cancer we may tend to feel the need for home, family, and security. You will feel this energy expressed in the natal house that the Moon is transiting in your chart. The Moon will first oppose Pluto in the 10th house of Capricorn indicating emotional confrontations, manipulation, coercion, and/or possible separations. A couple of hours later the Moon will move into a square aspect with Jupiter in Libra indicating unrealistic expectations and religious, educational, and cultural bias which can result in quarrels and drama. Thirdly the Moon will move into a conjunction with Venus which will give a momentary respite from the intensity of the planetary energy in the air. For those that are having a difficult time, they may be inclined to overindulgence in drink and/or food for comfort. 
On the 19th of August around 9 AM MDT the Moon will square Uranus this will be a particularly dangerous period as the planetary energy field is very heightened just prior to an Eclipse. The Moon square Uranus indicates sudden, unexpected events, and disasters. So I expect we will see more acts of terrorism, violence, and quarreling between those of different ideological beliefs during this time.

My advice is to stay positive and not get sucked into the drama!

Monday, August 14, 2017

The Great American Eclipse and President Trump

The Planetary outlook

Total Solar Eclipse in Leo 
August 21, 2017 
12:31 PM MDT

The Solar Eclipse will occur at 28 degrees of Leo with Mars in a wide conjunction to the Eclipse approaching the North Node. The sign of Leo rules royals, leaders, and those in positions of power and wealth. 

Much speculation has been done by many Astrologers on the effect of this Eclipse for President Trump. Some have suggested he will be impeached, removed from office, or assassinated. They have sited other Presidents have been impeached or assassinated under this type of eclipse. I am not a Mundane Astrologer but I decided to do my research and look into the charts of the Presidents that have been impeached and assassinated to come to my own conclusion. 

I am a Predictive Astrologer and use the Lunar cycles for the basis of my prediction's. I have been studying Astrology for 42 years and have been working as a Professional Astrologer since 1994. 

I always start with the natal chart. The natal chart cast for the time, date, and place of birth is the map of one's fate written in the star's. To have the same natal chart you would have to be born in the same place on the same day at the same time. Every two to three minutes the degree on the Ascendant changes, moving the position of the planets from house to house and in and out of orb to significant points in the chart. The moon moves forward about a degree about every two hours moving in and out of orb to other planets and significant points in the chart. The planets are continually in motion moving forward and sometimes backwards in degrees if they are retrograde and changing signs at their own pace. Every minute of the day  as the world turns the map changes accordingly.

The Impeachments

So... Let's start with the Presidents that have been impeached.
Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were impeached but both completed their term. Richard Nixon resigned before he could be impeached.  

Andrew Johnson's time of birth only has a C rating so I will not cover his analysis in this article as it would be volumes if I covered them all. I did however read them all.

I have chosen  to use Bill Clinton's chart for my written analysis for impeachment as his time of birth has an A rating and the Solar Eclipse immediately preceding  impeachment was at 28 degrees of Leo as is the one we will have on August 21, 2017. It was the only Solar Eclipse in the sign of Leo for the impeachments and the assassinations as well.

The 5th house of the natal chart tells us if the native is likely to have a fall from grace which would also include impeachment or assassination, as the 8th house (death of) from the 10th (one's reputation and/or status) is the 5th house. 

Bill Clinton's 5th house is ruled by Aquarius and there are no natal planets in this house. Aquarius rules the congress, senate, and rebellions. The ruler of Aquarius is Uranus so we look to the house position, sign, and aspects to Uranus in the natal chart. Uranus is the planet of the unexpected events, revolts, infidelity, and acquittals. It is in the natal 9th house of legal affairs in the sign of Gemini. The sign of Gemini is ruled by Mercury which is in the 10th house of public standing and reputation. Mercury is conjunct Saturn the planet of karma, limitations, and restrictions. 

The natal chart definitely shows a fall from grace with Uranus the planet of disasters, upsets, and upheavals ruling the 5th (loss of reputation) and in the 9th (legal affairs). 

If we take a look at the Solar Eclipse of August 21, 1998 it is conjunct Bill Clinton's Sun within 2 degrees in the 11th house of his natal chart. When a Solar Eclipse conjuncts the Sun in the natal chart it is an indication of significant events for the native during the months ahead. The 11th house also rules, the senate, congress, and friends and is the natural house that Uranus rules. So not only do we have Uranus as the planet that rules the fall from grace of Clinton we have transiting Uranus in the 5th house (death of position and reputation) in opposition (conflict) to natal Pluto the planet of transformation. 

This Solar Eclipse was square the natal Moon (women) in the 8th house (sex) which rules Clinton's 10th house of reputation, obviously showing that the native would have issues surrounding his reputation in regards to women and sex. 

Clinton's natal Moon is ruled by Venus so we would look to natal and transiting Venus to get more information. His natal Venus is the ruler of his rising sign, and conjunct Mars and Neptune. Venus conjunct Mars is a strong sex drive, it is amplified by placement in the 1st which is Mars natural house. When you add this to the conjunction with Neptune we see that the native has a tendency to use charm, flattery,  and bribery to attain that which he desires. He also has a tendency towards infidelity, promiscuity, and the like. Transiting Venus was conjunct Clinton's Pluto at the time of the Solar Eclipse indicating intense interactions with women in regards to sex, money, and power that will transform the native for better or worse.

Last but not least we have Saturn the planet of karma making a square from the 8th (death) house to Clinton's natal Saturn in the 10th (public standing) house. Saturn limits and restricts activity and transiting Mars was conjunct natal Saturn indicating seething anger over the restrictions placed upon the native by others in a position of power. So how did it all play out?  

On December 19, 1998 Clinton was impeached the day after the New Moon at 27 degrees of Sagittarius. There was a lovely fire trine in the heavens as there is with the coming Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017. Most Astrologers treat trines as great energy and positive outcome, but that isn't always the case. As we know how it turned out for Bill Clinton. This trine was started with the New Moon in Sagittarius in the natal 3rd house, to Retrograde Saturn in Aries in the 7th house, and North Node conjunct the Sun in the 11th house, all at 23-27 degrees. This indicated the beginning (New Moon) of information (3rd house) in regards to legal affairs (Sagittarius) being released to the community/common people (3rd house) by open enemies (7th house) about the impeachment of Clinton (North Node conjunct the Sun). There was no stopping the energy of the fire trine once the match was struck.

As stated at the beginning of this article Uranus also rules acquittals and on February 2, 1999 Bill Clinton was acquitted. 

The Assassinations

We have had three Presidents that were assassinated, Lincoln, Garfield, and Kennedy. After reading all three charts I decided to use Kennedy for my written analysis. None of the assassinations were associated with a Solar Eclipse in Leo immediately preceding the assassinations.

Starting with the natal chart we look to the 4th house which speaks of the manner of the end of life and the 8th house of death and transformation as well as the 5th which is death of public standing. 

Capricorn is the sign on the 4th house cusp, Saturn rules Capricorn so we look to Saturn to learn about how the natives life will end. Saturn is in the 10th house of public standing and is conjunct Neptune which rules assassination, intrigue, and chaos. This indicates the end of life is in public by assassination and that there is more to the truth than meets the eye. With Saturn conjunct Neptune in the 10th house there is an indication of secret enemies within the government that were behind the assassination.

Saturn is in the sign of Cancer so we look to the Moon to uncover more information about the manner of death.
The Moon is in the 11th house of friends, congressmen, and senators, in the sign of Virgo which rules military, police, and civil servants. The Moon is squared by Venus in the 8th indicating that his death was brought about by  someone that was a friend, servant, and/or related to government officials. With Venus in the sign of Gemini there is also an indication that it may have been the person driving Kennedy's car.

Neptune is in the sign of Leo so we look to the natal Sun of Kennedy. It is in the 8th house of death at 7 degrees of Gemini. His natal Sun is conjunct Uranus (unexpected death) in the mundane chart of the US. The fixed star Aldebaran was also conjunct Kennedy's natal Sun and indicates a violent death. 

Uranus is in the 4th house of Kennedy's natal chart and exactly inconjunct (unexpected event) his Mid-heaven (public standing). Uranus is unexpected deaths, events, and assassination attempts. Uranus also rules the 5th house of a fall from grace and loss of position. Uranus is at home in his sign of Aquarius which rules radio and TV broadcasts, again indicating a public death that would be broadcast on TV and radio.

We then look to the 8th house we see that Taurus in on the cusp which is ruled by Venus in Gemini.  We look to Venus to gather more information, she is in the 8th house in the sign of Gemini. The sign of Gemini rules cars, drivers, neighborhoods, and communication it is ruled by the planet Mercury. Mercury is also in the 8th house of death in the sign of Taurus ruled by Venus confirming a public death while in a car. Kennedy's Gemini Sun is also in the 8th indicating that his death would be felt deeply by the populace.

To further confirm this we see that the sign on the cusp of Kennedy's 3rd house (automobiles, neighborhoods) is Sagittarius which is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is also in the 8th house of death conjunct Mercury (automobiles) and Mars (guns, and assassination). All three of the planets are in the sign of Taurus again leading us back to Venus in Gemini square the Moon in Virgo. 

So... What about the Solar Eclipse?

The Solar Eclipse just preceding the assassination of Kennedy was at 27 degrees of Cancer conjunct natal Saturn which ruled the end of life in his natal chart and transiting Mercury (cars, communication) was conjunct Neptune (deception, assassination). Transiting Saturn was retrograde in the 4th house (end of life) conjunct natal Uranus (unexpected deaths). Transiting Venus was in the 9th house of distant places in the sign of Cancer. Transiting Uranus was in the 11th house (friends, government, dreams) in the sign of Leo approaching a square to Kennedy's natal Sun and a conjunction with transiting Pluto (death, transformation). Transiting Mars was sextile the Solar Eclipse and entering the natal 12th house of secret enemies. Transiting Jupiter was in the sign of Aries entering the 7th house of open enemies.

J. F. K's last New Moon

The New Moon preceding the assassination of Kennedy was on November 16, 1963 and was making a trine aspect to the Solar Eclipse degree. 

I cast the chart for Dallas, Texas and the New Moon was in the 3rd house (neighborhoods, cars, communication) in the sign of Scorpio (death, treachery) , transiting Mercury (cars, travel) and Neptune (assassination) conjunct the New Moon. 

The New Moon in Scorpio was ruled by Mars and Pluto, Mars (assassination) was conjunct Venus (ruler of Kennedy's 8th house) in the 4th house (end of life) in the sign of Sagittarius. The ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter was in the 8th house (death,transformation) and square the North Node in the 11th. Mars was also separating from a square aspect with Uranus (assassination attempts, sudden death) and Pluto (death, assassins). Pluto was in the 1st house exactly square Venus. 

The New Moon fell in Kennedy's 2nd house of values in a trine aspect to his natal Saturn which ruled his 4th house (end of life) and activated the energy of the previous Solar Eclipse. Transiting Saturn was in the 4th house making a trine aspect to Venus (ruler of 8th house of death) and making an inconjunct (sudden unexpected event) to his natal Moon in the 11th (friends, government officials). The New Moon was also in an exact square to his natal Uranus (assassination attempts) and exactly opposite his 8th house Jupiter which ruled the 3rd house (cars). The co-ruler of the New Moon transiting Mars (assassinations) was in opposition to Kennedy's natal Venus. Transiting Pluto (assassins) which also rules Scorpio was conjunct transiting Uranus in Kennedy's 11th  house making a square aspect to his 8th (death) house Gemini Sun and Venus.

On the day of the assassination the transiting Sun came to the exact degree that transiting Mercury was on the New Moon and ignited the trine from the Solar Eclipse. Transiting Mars (guns) had entered the 3rd house of travel and was exactly inconjunct Kennedy's 8th house natal Mercury (sudden death in a car). The transiting Moon was in Kennedy's 4th house in the sign of Aquarius indicating the shock that his family and the American people felt on the day of the shooting. The Moon was square transiting Neptune and approaching a conjunction to Saturn. Still today there are those that believe the truth of this assassination was covered up, that is Saturn square Neptune in action. 

President Trump

In Trumps natal chart the 4th house cusp (manner of death) is Scorpio and is ruled by Mars and Pluto, his 5th house cusp (fall from grace) is Sagittarius and is ruled by Jupiter, his 8th house cusp (death) is Pisces and ruled by Neptune. The only house that has a natal planet is the 4th and it is the Moon in Sagittarius. 

We start with natal Mars which co-rules the 4th house (manner of death). Natal Mars is in Leo ruled by the Sun and there is a trine to the Sun and a sextile to the Moon. These are very supportive aspects and reflect leadership ability and a passionate nature. The only hard aspect that Mars has is a square to the Mid-heaven showing a drive to be successful, arrogant, and an obstinate temperament. Natal Mars is in the 12th house of hidden enemies and with Mars conjunct the Ascendant at a critical degree it there is an indication that he tends to be his own worst enemy. The house that Mars rules in the natal chart shows us where this energy may be expressed and his natal Mars rules his 9th house of religion, higher education, and long distant travels. There are no aspects to natal mars that would indicate a violent death or assassination. 

Natal Pluto is in Leo also in the 12th house indicating powerful secret enemies and but with no hard aspects to Pluto they are ineffective. There are no hard aspects to Pluto from any natal planets and no indication of a violent death or assassination.

The natal Moon is in the 4th house (manner of death) and is in the sign of Sagittarius which is ruled by Jupiter. It is in a hard aspect to his Sun and Uranus conjunction. The Sun rules the 12th house of secret enemies and Uranus rules the 7th house of open enemies. Jupiter is in the 2nd house and the sign of Libra and makes supportive connections to the Sun and Uranus conjunction and to the Moon. Indicating that if there is an assassination attempt (Uranus) Jupiter will intervene. 

The 5th house of a fall from grace has Sagittarius on the cusp and is ruled by Jupiter. Natal Jupiter is well aspected by the Sun, Moon, Mars, and Uranus. Jupiter is in Libra which is ruled by Venus and squares natal Venus conjunct Saturn in the sign of Cancer. This shows a tendency to overindulge where family, friends, and children are concerned. The sign of Cancer returns us to the Moon which is in Sagittarius which is ruled by Jupiter (the great benefactor) that intervene's on Trumps behalf. I see nothing that would indicate a successful impeachment. 

The 8th house of death has Pisces on the cusp and is ruled by Neptune. Natal Neptune is in the 2nd house (money, possessions) and in the sign of Libra (justice, balance) which is ruled by Venus in the sign of Cancer (family) again taking us back to the Moon (family) that is in Sagittarius and ruled by Jupiter (the great benefactor). The only hard aspect natal Neptune has is a square to Mercury in the 11th house and is in the sign of Capricorn. Which again will lead us back to Jupiter. There are no aspects indicating a violent death or assassination in the natal chart.

The Great American Eclipse and Trump

The Solar Eclipse in Leo is conjunct Trumps natal Mars and Ascendant just inside the 12th house at a critical degree. This indicates that Trump will be dealing with secret investigations, information, hidden enemies, and/or covert military activity. With the Solar Eclipse conjunct his natal Mars which rules his natal 9th house of legal affairs and distant places we can see where this energy will play out. Transiting Uranus Retrograde in the sign of Aries is in the natal 9th house and is in an exact trine to the Solar Eclipse degree. This indicates dynamic action, ambition, and initiative in regards to legal and foreign affairs. 

The Sun rules the sign of Leo and it is making a wide sextile to Trumps natal Sun which is conjunct the North Node and Uranus in the 10th house of public standing. I count this aspect as transiting Mars is conjunct the Solar Eclipse and within 1 degree of Trumps natal Sun tightening the aspect. This planetary combination indicates an opportunity to correct past mistakes and misinformation in regards to his reputation as new information will come to light. 

Transiting Jupiter in the sign of Libra (justice) is trine Trumps natal Sun, this bodes well for success in legal and foreign affairs as well as gaining support from other world leaders that are in a position of power and authority. 

Transiting Saturn is in opposition to Trumps natal Sun and conjunct his natal Moon in the 4th. A lot of Astrologers have sited this as an indication of a downfall for Trump. It will not manifest that way. Saturn opposing the Sun is a limitation and restriction on one's self expression. This has obviously been playing out in the Media and through others in the government (Saturn) by constant criticism of what Trump does and says. The powers that be want to reign him in and make him behave in a way that they feel is correct. Saturn came into exact conjunction with Trumps natal Moon on New Years Eve. He was just 20 days away from inauguration. This indicated the limits and restrictions put on him, his family, and home life because he was about to become the President of The United States. This opposition has natal Mars in a supportive sextile to the natal Sun and trine the natal Moon indicating that despite these limitations and restrictions he will continue to take decisive action.

This Solar Eclipse has a fire trine in the heavens, Uranus in Aries at 28 degrees, Solar Eclipse in Leo at 28 degrees, and Saturn in Sagittarius at 21 degrees. When you put the Solar Eclipse with Trumps chart it creates a planetary configuration called a kite. Trumps Sun and Uranus conjunction are at the tip of the kite in his 10th house indicating that he will continue to be the President and will deal with secret enemies and/or open enemies of his homeland at home and/or abroad how he see's fit despite criticism.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Mercury Retrograde

The Planetary outlook

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury is heading closer to the earth and becoming brighter in the night sky as he is preparing to go retrograde. On August 12th, 2017 Mercury stations and goes retrograde at 11 degrees of Virgo. This is almost the exact same degrees as the last two Solar Eclipses in the Virgo/Pisces axis. Mercury is within a degree of the North Node position on the Solar Eclipse of September 1, 2016 and is opposing the degree of Neptune in Pisces.

With Mercury making an aspect to the North Node position of the September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse he is reactivating that planetary energy. What was happening in your life at that time? You should be prepared for any issues from that time to resurface and demand your attention. The devil is in the details as Mercury rules Virgo and is all about analysis, accuracy, and information. With Mercury in opposition to Neptune there tends to be misinformation, muddled thoughts, and people hearing what they want to hear.

As usual we can expect disruptions in daily travel, communications, and avoid making agreements during this period if possible. These issues will be more prominent this time around because Mercury (communication, travel, and information) is in Virgo opposite Neptune (chaos, falsity, and intrigue) in Pisces. Both planets are in their own sign, making their impact stronger. Make sure to have extra time to reach any destination and clarify information to avoid confusion.

On August 26, 2017, Retrograde Mercury will conjunct with the Sun in the sign of Virgo at 3 degrees. This is a good time to communicate or ask favors from those in a position of power, take short trips, and/or present ideas if it is connected positively to your natal chart. People from your past may re-enter your life such as friends, lovers, or co-workers.

Check your Chart!

If you have personal planets from 1 to 5 degrees of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, and or Capricorn the Sun conjunct Mercury pertains to you.

Jupiter in Libra is also making an exact sextile aspect to Saturn in Sagittarius on this day at 21 degrees. This indicates significant opportunities through higher education, legal affairs, and/or from someone in a position of power.

Check your Chart!

If you have personal planets from Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, or Aquarius the Jupiter sextile Saturn pertains to you.

If you need a natal chart you can order one for $10.00 from my website SkyReaderSherry

On August 30, 2017 Mercury will re-enter the sign of Leo and will make the 1st of 2 conjunctions with Mars. When these two planets come together we can expect to see lively debates, impulsive decisions, and sarcasm. 

The 1st conjunction is occurring at 28 degrees of Leo on September 3, 2017 at 2:38 AM MDT which is the degree of the Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017.  The Sun will be at 11 degrees of Virgo which is the same degree that Mercury was at when he turned retrograde and in the sign that he rules. It is as if the Sun and Mercury are handing off information to one another. The Sun will be approaching an opposition to Neptune indicating confusion, illusion, and drama. Mercury will be applying to a trine aspect with Uranus in Aries which is ruled by Mars. I expect that there will be information that comes to light like a lightening bolt at this time. However, with the strong link to Neptune it may be false, distorted, or a half-truth.

The 2nd conjunction will occur September 16, 2017 at 12:02 PM

MDT at 7 degrees of Virgo and Mercury will be direct and at home. Around this time I would expect clarification and a correction to the information that comes out around the 3rd of September. Mercury in Virgo is about all about clear and concise communication.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

August Full Moon Eclipse

The Planetary outlook

Full Moon Eclipse in Aquarius

We will have a Full Moon Eclipse on August 7, 2017 at 12:12 PM MDT at 15 degrees of Aquarius. Full Moon's typically are about culmination, completion, and unrest. This is the time that we usually begin to see the fruits of our labor that we started at the New Moon or we are confronted with the reality that what we have been working towards will not come to fruition  as planned and adjustments are necessary.

With the Full Moon in the sign of Aquarius there is a feeling of uneasiness and tension in the air. Some may become obstinate, impulsive, and rebellious which can result in confrontations and separations. This is amplified as Mars is still within orb or a conjunction to the Sun and opposing the Moon at the time of the Eclipse. Mars is the planet of war, anger, and action. As he travels with the Sun through the sign of Leo he is passionate, proud, and powerful.

The sign of Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus so any aspects to or from Uranus will be significant over the next 6 months. As always with Uranus expect the unexpected. Uranus likes to think outside the box, do things his own way, and is eccentric by nature. Uranus turned retrograde just prior to the Eclipse indicating a time to review, revise, and redo in the areas he is transiting and/or aspecting in your natal chart. He brings sudden illumination, innovation, and discoveries. 

Uranus is in the sign of Aries and will be until the middle of May 2018. During his transit of Aries we have seen sudden rebellions, riots, and terrorism on the global scene. This types of events have been  prominent since November of 2016 as Uranus was square Pluto and opposite Jupiter. This energy will begin to build again as Uranus transits back into opposition with Jupiter. The 3rd and final opposition of Jupiter and Uranus for this cycle will be on September 27, 2017. 

For those whose charts are activated by this Full Moon it will be more intense as this is an Eclipse and will be active for the next 6 months. 

Check Your Chart!

If you would like to purchase your natal chart please visit my website SkyReader Sherry

Uranus Direct

The Planetary Outlook Uranus Direct On January 6, 2019 Uranus went direct a...