Monday, August 28, 2017

North Korea Horoscope

The Planetary outlook

North Korea

Take a look at the Mundane Chart of North Korea, with President Trump, and the Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017. I believe this is just one of the many issues that the Solar Eclipse forecast.

President Trumps natal Mars (the planet of war) and his (Ascendant) are in the 7th house (open enemies) in the chart of North Korea. They are conjunct the North Korean Saturn which rules North Korea's house of secrets. Transiting Pluto Retrograde  (nuclear power) is in the 12th house (secrets) and is making a trine aspect to South Korea's natal Sun (I AM). Which means they are putting it in the face of President Trump and the world that they are indeed becoming a Nuclear Power. 

Today On August 28, 2017 North Korea launched another missile. Transiting Mars is conjunct the North Node (the populace) and within one degree of conjunction with President Trumps natal Mars.  The transiting Sun is in an exact square from the 7th to the 10th house Natal Moon of North Korea which rules it's 6th house of the military. This is very concerning as transiting Mercury is retrograde and approaching an exact conjunction to transiting Mars at the exact degree of the Solar Eclipse on September 3rd and will be activated by the Moon on September 4th by opposition. This aspect will fall on the Moon in the United States Mundane chart. 

I expect that tensions with North Korea will be very high over the next two weeks. This will be felt especially on the 3rd and 4th of September and again as we get to the Last Quarter moon on September 13, 2017. The Last Quarter Moon has the Sun square North Korea's Jupiter and transiting Saturn is conjunct it and the Moon opposes it. Jupiter rules North Korea's reputation and standing in the world and they will be under strong scrutiny during this lunar phase.

September 3, 2017 North Korea has tested a hydrogen bomb as predicted.

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