Friday, August 18, 2017

The Planetary outlook

The Planetary outlook

August 18, 2017

Expect things to get a little hectic in the world today and tomorrow as the Moon has entered Cancer and is activating the Cardinal Square in the heavens just prior to the Solar Eclipse.

With the Moon in Cancer we may tend to feel the need for home, family, and security. You will feel this energy expressed in the natal house that the Moon is transiting in your chart. The Moon will first oppose Pluto in the 10th house of Capricorn indicating emotional confrontations, manipulation, coercion, and/or possible separations. A couple of hours later the Moon will move into a square aspect with Jupiter in Libra indicating unrealistic expectations and religious, educational, and cultural bias which can result in quarrels and drama. Thirdly the Moon will move into a conjunction with Venus which will give a momentary respite from the intensity of the planetary energy in the air. For those that are having a difficult time, they may be inclined to overindulgence in drink and/or food for comfort. 
On the 19th of August around 9 AM MDT the Moon will square Uranus this will be a particularly dangerous period as the planetary energy field is very heightened just prior to an Eclipse. The Moon square Uranus indicates sudden, unexpected events, and disasters. So I expect we will see more acts of terrorism, violence, and quarreling between those of different ideological beliefs during this time.

My advice is to stay positive and not get sucked into the drama!

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