Saturday, January 5, 2019

Capricorn Solar Eclipse 1/5/19

The Planetary Outlook

Capricorn Solar Eclipse

On January 5, 2019 we have a Partial Solar Eclipse in the sign of Capricorn. The affects of a Solar Eclipse are usually felt for at least a year. This Eclipse is quite ominous for Washington DC as it falls in the 5th house which relates to children, places of entertainment and leisure, the stock market, and government representatives. The 5th house shows us whether the public is experiencing happiness and joy or sorrow. 

The sign of Capricorn in and of itself indicates limitations, contraction, and restrictions. It lends to a feeling of melancholy. With not only the Solar Eclipse in the sign of Capricorn we have Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto creating a stellium in Capricorn. This is an indication that we are in for a period where one must work harder, make due with less, and conserve by reusing and recycling. The house that the Solar Eclipse falls in you natal chart shows how this event will affect you on a personal level.

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