Monday, December 31, 2018

Winter Solstice

The Planetary Outlook

On December 21, 2018 at 5:24 EST the Sun will entered the sign of Capricorn officially starting the winter season in the northern hemisphere, summer in the southern hemisphere and the last quarter of the astrological year. 

A chart cast for the time and date that the Sun enters the sign of Capricorn gives us a glimpse of the coming trends and events for the next 3 months.  

The Sun, Saturn, and Pluto are all in the sign of Capricorn indicating a focus on government, business, personal responsibilities, and obligations. There is an overall sense of limitations and restrictions during the Sun's transit of Capricorn which will increase as the Sun approaches a conjunction with Saturn on December 31, 2018.

With Saturn in the sign of Capricorn we are required to work hard to reap rewards. This is a time when concentration and persistence will pay off in the long run. In the short term we must be organized, determined, and steadfast to accomplish our ambitions. Saturn is only one third of the way through the sign of Capricorn so we are just beginning to see the affects of this transit. 

With Pluto in the sing of Capricorn we as a whole are seeing the transformation of governments, businesses, as well as physical structures. It is a time for regenerating those things that are no longer useful or out dated. Pluto is two thirds of the way through the sign of Capricorn and we can plainly see the affects of this transit on a daily basis in the media headlines. With Saturn coming within 3 degrees orb of Pluto we will see an intensification of this planetary energy over the next 3 months and beyond as we approach the exact conjunction on January 12, 2020.

The planet Jupiter has returned to his home sign of Sagittarius and is joined by Mercury on the Winter Solstice. This is a great combination for expanding on thoughts, ideas, and setting goals. The only caution here is to not over expand beyond ones means. In most cases to much of a good thing ends up being a bad thing. With Mercury and Jupiter in a square aspect to Neptune there is a tendency to get lost in the details. It is helpful to those in the arts as one can produce work that touches the soul of others. 

The planet Mars is in the sign of Pisces which creates difficulty in focus, consistency, and tends to dissipation of energy. When Mars returns to his home sign of Aries on January 1, 2019 the energy will shift to adventure, action, and forging ahead. As Mars is often called the angry planet it is a good time to avoid being impulsive and argumentative. 

Mercury will enter the sign of Capricorn on January 4, 2019 just prior to the New Moon Eclipse in Capricorn again reinforcing that our attentions will be on the daily grind over the next three months. 

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