Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Hillary Clinton's Forecast

The Planetary outlook

Hillary Clinton's Forecast

The August 21, 2017 Leo Solar Eclipse was in Hillary's 9th house of legal affairs and will be in effect for 2 1/2 years. It was sextile Hillary's 12th house Sun which indicated that her hidden agenda for information would be revealed.

The Libra New Moon of October 19 was in Hillary's 11th house of friends, organizations, and wishes. It was in a sextile aspect to the Solar Eclipse degree which activated the energy of the eclipse. The sign of Libra is ruled by the planet Venus so all aspects to and from Venus are significant for Hillary during this lunar cycle.

Hillary has Venus in Scorpio in the 12th house of hidden enemies, secrets, and self undoing. Venus is in detriment in the sign of Scorpio and individuals with this placement tend to use coercion and manipulation to get what they want. When they are unable to control others they become angry, vengeful, and resentful. Hillary's Venus is very afflicted by her natal planets in the 9th house indicating a desire for power and wealth and the willingness to do whatever it takes to attain it. On the New Moon Hillary's Venus was being semi-squared by Mars in the 10th house of reputation and public standing. Transiting Venus was conjunct her natal Neptune highlighting secret business transactions with friends. 

The October New Moon was also conjunct Mercury and Jupiter in Scorpio. Whenever a transiting planet is conjunct the New Moon any aspects it make's in a person's natal chart will be significant. Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio indicates that hidden information would be brought to light. As transiting Mercury moved forward and highlighted Hillary's Neptune, transiting Jupiter and the Sun joined together in Hillary's 12th house of secrets conjunct her natal Sun. This was the planetary energy field at the time that the media released information that Hillary's campaign had paid for an investigation into Donald Trump's ties to Russia.

It never ceases to amaze me when I look at where the planets were when an event took place. It is always easy to see them in retrospect, but what about the future?

The First Quarter Moon  which I previously wrote about on my blog stated.

With Jupiter in Scorpio being highlighted by the Sun and Moon we will see sexual, religious, cultural, and class bias brought to light so that it can be transformed and regenerated. Those that have abused their power in educational systems, religious organizations, the legal system, and/or charitable organizations are likely to have their skeletons pop out of the closet. We have already seen many individuals secret sex crimes come to light since Jupiter entered the sign of Scorpio on the 11th of October. This will continue to be a theme until Jupiter enters the sign of Sagittarius on November 9th, 2018.

Whenever we have planets in a square aspect from Scorpio to Aquarius the energy is one of intense and unexpected transformation with far reaching consequences. The events that occur are often beyond our control and require we make changes to our plans and adjust to the new circumstances. 

I had not looked at Hillary's chart before I wrote the article above but it does appear that her skeletons are coming out of the closet. The First Quarter Moon on October 27th is square to Hillary's natal Sun from the 3rd house of communication to the 12th house of secrets. I expect that more information will be forth coming over the next week about her secret affairs and will continue through this lunar cycle. 

The November 4th Full Moon will be in a 6th to 12th house axis squaring her natal 9th house Leo planets. She will most likely make statements in her defense of her actions during this week. 

The November 10th Last Quarter Moon will be in her 9th house of legal affairs square her natal Venus/Mercury conjunction in the 12th house of secrets. This axis indicates confusion, bad judgement and/or advice from a person of trust that turns out to be a secret enemy. It also inclines towards miscommunication, deception, and altering or misrepresenting legal documents.

This is just the beginning of Hillary's troubles which will intensify during the November New Moon in Scorpio lunar phase and will most likely come to ahead when Jupiter and Mars conjunct her natal Venus/Mercury conjunction. This aspect will bring more of her secrets to light and it will involve her husband Bill Clinton, their friends, and organizations that they are associated with. 

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